Willie creek pearl tour - broome

2 October 2013
Bronwyn and I had a lovely day going on a pearl tour.  We now know alot about them and have a great appreciation for them, sadly unable to purchase any local pearls as the price tag reflects how much time and effort is taken to produce just one.

I got to try one on when I was the closest to guess the price, but I should have waited and guessed the later one.  Mine was only $490 and the strand was $39500.

In the evening the kids did some kite flying on the beach and William played with a sea star out on the bay at low tide.

Broome - cable beach

1 October 2013
Today was just fabulous! We spent the afternoon with our friends at cable beach riding camels and having a picnic while watching the sun set over the ocean. All topped off by a lone bagpiper. Can't get much better than that.


5 - 12 September 2013
Catching up with Carl's parents for the week in geraldton.

Wind! So windy it wakes me through the night.  Luckily we had a couple of nice days but Harry liked the wind because he could fly his kite. Which he's very good at.
One day we drove to kalbarri for the day and we all decided to go there at the end of the week for another week together.

Wave rock

22 August 2013
Left esperance yesterday and spent the night at lake king. Thought it would be nice camped by the lake but it turns out the lake is about ten kms away and a desolate waste land with water.

Today we are camping at brookton but on the way we stopped at wave rock near hyden. The rock is amazing and really is the shape of a wave. We climbed it and walked around the top which gave a fantastic view of the surrounding farm land of wheat and canola.

Tomorrow we get to Perth where the job hunting begins.


14 - 21 August 2013
Spent a week in esperance exploring the area but mostly relaxing as the weather was windy, cold and rainy. We checked out cape le Grande national park, home of the whitest beach in Australia at lucky bay. Tried to see cape arid but the road was closed due to water on it. The great ocean drive was good as it took you along the coast and then past pink lake.

The caravan park had great views of the bay and the kids had a blast in the playground especially when there were others to play with.


12 - 14 August 2013
I was expecting desert while crossing the nullarbor plains however I was presently surprised by scrub, trees (except for the treeless plain) and green grass. There was even water laying in places. The first day driving was good but the second was really windy. The third was a breeze and we made it all of the way to esperance.

On Monday we stopped at the top of the bight to observe the southern right whales. They have their babies there and they feed them up before going south. You couldn't miss them, they were everywhere.

We also stopped at a few lookouts and the last one we camped at for the night. The next night we stopped just shy of balladonia.

In esperance we are staying in a caravan park looking out over the bay. The weather forecast doesn't sound great but we can always hope they've got it wrong. So far it is very windy and a little cold.


11 August 2013
Started our journey toward the nullarbor. Stopped at ceduna for fuel and made it to penong for the night.

Drove out to point Sinclair where I showed Carl how to catch fish off the jetty. Along the way is lake McDonald which is pink due to the high salt content. We also checked out cactus beach which is famous for surfing. We didn't stay long as it was quite windy and getting late.

About Us

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Carl, Charmaine, Harrison and William. 7/3/12 we started our journey around Australia, not sure how long it will take, just going to see were 'it' takes us.