Thorntonia - Week 6

28 April 2012
Off to Camooweal for a game or two of cricket. It is an annual carnival between a few local teams with six a side, everyone having a turn at bowling an over and if you're good enough, you have to retire with the bat when you reach 25. Lloyd's team is called the Border Huggers, made up of himself, his sons and a few from a neighbouring property.

Carl got to play a couple of games for another team and I even got to have a go. Must say Carl was pretty good but next time I'll stick to indoor cricket, it's a bit easier.

At night there was a 20/20 match with all of what you would expect...yep...that's right a streaker! The kids had fallen asleep early by the time the game was over so we called it a night.

29 April 2012
The cricket continued, however we decided a little touring of the local area was called for. We went and saw the Camooweal caves, something that a lot of the locals hadn't bothered to ever see.

small camooweal cave
 There is also a waterhole where you can camp.

pretty big waterhole
After that exciting adventure...the kids slept the whole time...we headed to the N.T. border. We couldn't resist crossing the border since we were so close. Got the old cruiser up to the speed limit of 130km/h but you can be rest assured we won't be doing that with the van on!

at the border
We returned to the cricket just in time to see the border huggers take out B grade. Then back to Thorntonia.

2 May 2012
The kids and I went to work today doing the tucker box. First up we got to witness the bull catcher in action with Lloyd driving and Carl hanging on for dear life.

Carl hanging on...

Carl still hanging on

Thorntonia - Week 5

21 April - 27 April 2012
The days are turning into weeks. Carl is either doing cattle work or bore runs. We had a day off and went to Mt Isa, spent a fortune on food. On one bore run Carl did we went with him and ended up bringing back 3 poddy's for Wendy to look after. Saw some pigs in a dry creek bed.

Thorntonia - Week 4

14 April 2012
Carl did cattle work at Johnson's Yards today, so the kids and I went for a look. It was way too dusty to stay and I struggled holding on to Will, all he wanted to do was chase the cattle with his stick.

16 April 2012
The kids and I got to do another muster today. Only had a poddy this time to bring home. I struggle everyday at home to get Harry to have a day sleep and here we are in a Toyota going along a bumpy track and he sleeps all the way home even with Will jumping all over him.  Ended up having another incident that is in the running for the 'dickheads' award. Reversed into the biggest tree in the paddock whilst trying to get through a gate way. Chris and Harry witnessed it so I couldn't even pretend it didn't happen even with a huge ding in the tail gate.

morning tea - waiting for helicopter

tailing cattle back to yards

helicopter helping push the cattle up

17 April 2012
While Carl and the men were getting in the rest of the cattle from the holding paddock he was cleaned up twice by a cow. They had a lot of trouble getting them in. Now Carl's motorbike has bent handle bars and broken clutch lever.

We're ruff on the gear!

20 April 2012
Worked doing smoko and calf carrying. We went through the same gate where I hit the tree the other day and Harry was quick to remind me, much to the amusement of Chris. Told the boys they had to earn some money if they wanted to buy a movie or new book. After that there was no more complaining. They are both becoming pretty good drivers!

About Us

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Carl, Charmaine, Harrison and William. 7/3/12 we started our journey around Australia, not sure how long it will take, just going to see were 'it' takes us.