Seahorse world

Also at beauty point was seahorse world. Turns out the guy who owns it is from Gladstone. They breed the seahorses and send them all over the world. The cost ranges from $32 - $50 per animal.

Fascinating animals, we spent ages watching them swimming and getting feed.

The boys liked holding the sea snails and sea stars.

Platypus house

Travelled to beauty point today and visited platypus house. Got to see them swimming and feeding.

There was also echidna and we were able to go into their enclosure with them. They ran around our feet looking for food.

Tasmania zoo

Spent a few hours at Tasmania zoo. Saw some tassie devils, monkeys, birds and meerkats. Watched the tassie devils get fed, they are a really interesting animal.

Campbell town

Had a look through Campbell town which is a historic town.

It has a red bridge built by convicts over 15 months using approximately 1.5 million bricks.


Decided to head to evandale for a clay target shoot being held on the long weekend. Everything is so close we can easily go back to burnie.

The weather was great all day until five when the wind started and the clouds blocked the sun. Don't know if we'll get used to it but we'll definitely put up with it.

So far everyone we've met are super friendly and the scenery is just spectacular, which means we expect to have a great time down here.


Arrived at burnie this morning and found a top free camp, it's a little windy but we can live with that.

The boys are just loving playing in the sand.

Swim time

Just out the back of the van park, There is a few lakes and a toddlers pool. Harry and Will are loving it.

Life in the van

Just relaxing for the afternoon.

All worn out


11 January 2013
Since we decided to stay longer at the caravan park we had to move to another spot. Lucky for us it is a better site and have heaps of room. After a late morning tea we headed off to look at a regional park near Elaine. Would be a nice spot if you just had a camper trailer and not a massive van.

Went into Ballarat and checked out Lake Wendouree where the boys played and we had a tram ride up and down the street.

Nanny and Poppy took the boys Christmas shopping and bought Harry a new bike and William a remote control car. Once we got home and put the bike together that's all Harry wants to do now. He looks all grown up riding around on his big bike.

12 January 2013
Drove up to Daylesford for a look. The town seems to be a food mecca with so many cafes etc and heaps of people to go along with them. We spent our time at the lake having lunch and a paddle on the lake in a paddle boat.

13 January 2013
Today we went for a drive along the Great Ocean Road via Colac and back via Geelong. Big day in the car but the scenery was worth it and the fish and chips.

14 January 2013
Happy Birthday Carl!

For Carl's birthday we spent the day at Sovereign Hill, Ballarat. It is an old gold mine tourist attraction with a recreated township. It was a fantastic day and we will have to return to finish seeing everything.

Harrison and William enjoyed panning for gold the best. Lucky for us we had spare clothes in the car for the trip home.

For tea we went down to the local pub and had a fabulous meal. The tablecloth was butcher's paper and the kids (even the older ones) enjoyed scribbling on it.

15 January 2013
Maree and Kevin headed off to Geelong for the day and we just had a lay day and didn't do much at all.

16 January 2013
After catching up on some much needed washing, we headed off to a garden maze. We had clues to find the answers to and off we went. Took about an hour until we found them. It was a lot of fun and we were rewarded with a lolly snake.

17 January 2013
Sad day today. Time to say goodbye to Nanny and Poppy. It has been great holidaying together and look forward to seeing them soon.

After both our catch ups with the grandparents it is now back to just us...a little lonely...but look out Tassie here we come!

Mannum - Ballarat

06 January 2013
Thanks so much Lorraine for having us, it was great to get to know you and meet more family.

After morning tea we headed off to Robe, on the South Australian coast. The camp ground was on private land and cost $6 a night, right on the beach. There were other kids camped there as well so our boys just loved it. Instant friends, especially now with the new red bike.

07 January 2013
Off to Robe township to renew Carl's licence and play on the beach. The kids decided it was better where we were camped so we didn't stick around town for too long. In the afternoon we did some 4WDing on the beach. Carl tried a little fishing but it was the boys who enjoyed the beach the most with their buckets and spades.

08 January 2013
Made our way to Mt Gambier to see the Blue Lakes, decided to stay the night as the weather was cold and windy. Lucky for us the trots were on at the showgrounds where we stayed so the boys had entertainment. Can't believe the weather, thought it was summer.

The Blue Lake is actually really blue. There is also a massive playground for the kids and they didn't want to leave it.

09 January 2013
Lake Bolac.

10 January 2013
Off to Ballarat to meet Kevin and Maree. Tried to find a free camp in the neighbouring forests but to no avail. We ended up staying at Creswick, just north of Ballarat in a caravan park. We figured it was the best option to stay for the entire visit so we didn't have to worry about moving around. Nice park, more like one of the old school caravan parks. Lots of kids so once again our boys are happy.


22 December 2012
Arrived at Mannum in the afternoon and set up camp in Dad's cousins backyard.

23 December 2012
Went for a drive around the area. The Murray River is a few minutes down the road and there is great parks and people skiing and  enjoying the river.

24 December 2012
Mum and Dad arrived after lunch, the kids were really excited to see them. Spent the rest of the afternoon catching up. In the evening we let them open one present, and of all the presents they chose the noisiest one, a voice changer...thanks Uncle Tom!!!

25 December 2012
Merry Christmas everyone. The kids got to open some of their presents in the morning and the rest when everyone else arrived at lunch time. It was really nice to spend Christmas with family. Lunch was fabulous and the drinks even better. We were also blessed with beautiful weather.

26 December 2012
Not much on today, still recovering from Christmas.

27 December 2012
Off to the Barrossa Valley for some wine tasting. Joe was our tour guide, thankfully, there is way too many wineries to choose from. We went to a few and than that was enough because I had already spent too much. It's terrible to have good taste!!!

28 December 2012
Watch out...Carl and I went to Adelaide (by ourselves)...can't remember when the last time we spent a night away from the kids. Was quite strange really...but we did enjoy it. Carl bought some parts for the car and a new compressor. Seems like everything is breaking at the same time. We caught a movie, Skyfall, and we wasted some money at the Casino. OK, it was me that wasted it, would definitely never make a professional gambler. Had a seafood buffet for tea, quite nice.

29 December 2012
Had a look around Adelaide, nice city. Bought William a bike. When we got home Carl put it together and took the kids for a test drive, pity they can't touch the pedals yet, but pulls along a rope pretty good. Has a trailer so both of them can have a go at the same time.

30 December 2012
Went to Monarto open plains zoo. Was a great day. You got to sit on a bus and get driven through the animals. You could get off at certain places and walk to the viewing platforms. They even had a sausage sizzle. We spent half the day

31 December 2012
New Year's Eve. Carl and I went to lunch on the Captain Proud. A cruise on the Murray River for a few hours on a side paddle boat. Very calming and relaxing. Met some nice people who we shared a table with. Got home in time to take Mum down the street for some shopping...we both did well at that. I can finally get rid of some of the tops I've had since before getting married. We were all disappointed for the new year's eve celebrations, we had gotten the kids really excited about the fireworks and they ended up getting cancelled. Let's just say we didn't see the new year in.

01 January 2013
Happy New Year!!!

02 January 2013
Carl went with Joe and Dad to find somewhere to replace the bearing in our rear axle. Ended up getting it done in Mannum.

03 January 2013
Off to Hahndoff for the day. Mum, Dad, Joe and Lorraine left before us because Carl was still putting the car together. We managed to get going not long after. On the highway the car started having the wobbles so we pulled off and Carl had a look, couldn't see anything, headed off again and it was worse. We pulled right off then and Carl got under the car and found that our rear tyre had started to peel off. After Carl changed the tyre we got going again. We than got held up 20km out of Hahndoff due to a house fire beside the highway. We managed to get to Hahndoff for lunch. Since it's a German town we had to have a German lunch. We were not disappointed. Absolutely great service and fantastic meal. The beers could have been a bit cheaper though. We stopped off at the strawberry farm on our way and bought the best strawberries we've ever had. So sweet.

04 January 2013
We had new tyres fitted and Carl did the other rear axle bearing. Hopefully now we won't have anything else to fix on the car for a while. Mum, Dad and Joe went on the Captain Proud lunch cruise like we did last week. They enjoyed themselves. Was the hottest day ever but by 8.30pm had cooled off, very strange weather here, not sure I could get used to it.

05 January 2013
Farewell to Mum and Dad. Carl had the joyful job of getting up at 4am and taking them to the airport in Adelaide. We all had a great time together and hope to do it again in the not too distant future.

About Us

My photo
Carl, Charmaine, Harrison and William. 7/3/12 we started our journey around Australia, not sure how long it will take, just going to see were 'it' takes us.