The bottom

Today we made it to the most southern point of Australia. Actually only as far as you can drive, the weather today was not favourable for a walk. So cockle creek was it.

Port huon

Left new Norfolk and travelled south through Hobart to make camp at port huon.

After lunch we visited the southern forest and did the tahune air walk and swinging bridge walk. The boys did really well walking for three hours only needing a few bribes to keep them going.

Camping by river

New Norfolk

Spent nearly a week at new Norfolk recovering from the flu and waiting to hear if Carl had work. No work and still getting well but did get to see a few things in the area.

Visited the salmon ponds, it was ok but the pump had broken down so the fish were struggling to survive and some were going belly up. Not good. The grounds were nice though.

Next door was an original homestead/village, just spectacular especially if you are a grand design fan. Endless possibilities.

Port Arthur

Today was spent touring around the Tasman peninsula. Sadly some of it was destroyed in the recent brushfire otherwise beautiful scenery. The confict settlement at port arthur was amazing to see, they certainly keep it well maintained. Carl got to have a fairly good look while I was a little limited with two unwilling children.

Arrived back to camp to find our new friends, Carl and I will be joining them tonight for a quiet drink.


Spent half the day at the city park. Beautiful gardens, there were monkeys and a train playground and a train like vehicle that you could ride around the park on.

Carl spent some time at the car museum. He said it was pretty good.

Cataract gorge

Visited the beautiful gorge in Launceston. Travelled on the chairlift. Bit nerve racking for me as I shared the chair with Harry and it was very hard keeping him still.

There was also a suspension bridge which was a great place to get a good view of the gorge.

About Us

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Carl, Charmaine, Harrison and William. 7/3/12 we started our journey around Australia, not sure how long it will take, just going to see were 'it' takes us.