
23 June 2013
After much discussion and umming and arring we decided to go for a Sunday drive. The drive took us through beautiful hilly farming land to merriwa, a quaint little town that seemed to have a lot of eating places compared to anything else.

We had a look at the community arts and crafts shop where they had the most amazing knitted items. So cute some of the baby and little girl outfits. On the outside wall there is a scene with sheep, galas, windmill etc. Made out of iron sheeting.

After having lunch we made our way home with a little detour to find some natural springs. We didn't find them, however we did see some spectacular scenery.

Burning mountain

22 June 2013
Nakeeta and Leyton are visiting us at the moment so we thought we'd have a look at burning mountain near wingen.

We had to cover a fair bit of land on foot, the sign said 4.2km return but after walking it we think it was more like 4.2km one way. William did well walking all of the way up, however was carried all of the way back down.

After working up quite an appetite we stopped at the township's cafe/antiques shop. Will definitely be going back as the food and service was great and there is so much more to look at in the antiques shop. Oh, the cafe has a tree growing in the middle of it.

Scotts park, scone

18 June 2013
Took the boys for a ride on their bikes to a nearby park. When they found the skate park, or if you're Harry, the stunt park, they had a ball. A little nerve racking for me though.

The great lakes

11 June 2013

The great lakes

9 June 2013

The great lakes

8 June 2013
After spending Friday afternoon packing the car for the long weekend we were ready to head off.

We decided on the scenic route through Barrington tops and Gloucester to get to forster and beyond.

Barrington tops was foggy and damp. A great place for lunch and the kids to play. We played with bubbles and they seemed to last forever and have the most gorgeous colours.

The scenery was just breath taking along the way, with rolling hills and running creeks. If we had more time there were plenty of great camping spots.

South of forster is cape Hawke where you walk up a million steps to a viewing platform, more stairs. However the view was spectacular, you could see the inland lakes and the ocean.

The day was drawing to a close so we thought we had better find camp. Little did we know the only places to camp required fires to be in drums, something we didn't have. Ended up having to camp at a caravan park which was located in a swamp and had the most disgusting toilet block we've come across. There were way too many people as well. Luckily it was only for one night and we did have a fire in the bbq area.

Elizabeth park Scone

A many of day is spent at the local park in Scone. Lucky for me it is not too far to walk.

NCHA Tamworth

Rainy day today so we made our way to Tamworth to watch some horse cutting.

Ran into a couple of people from home. Got to quiz them on the rules etc so now makes heaps more sense.

Hard to keep kids interested though.

About Us

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Carl, Charmaine, Harrison and William. 7/3/12 we started our journey around Australia, not sure how long it will take, just going to see were 'it' takes us.