Port Augusta

16 December 2012
We bid farewell to Coober Pedy and sped on to Woomera. The location of several test missile launches back in the day. The display of planes and missiles was interesting, a little disappointing for the kids because they weren't allowed to climb over everything.

It was 2.30pm when we finished having a look and considering it doesn't get dark until after 8.30pm we decided to go forth to Port Augusta. Turns out it is a pretty little city at the intersection of the Eyre and Yorke Peninsulas.

17 December 2012
Today was a day to relax and kick back. We did a little shopping but that was about it.

18 December 2012
The Flinders Ranges National Park is only just over a 100km away so off we went to have a day out driving around and having a look. The country side is a site to see. All the mountain ranges were different in their rock formations, the wheat crops were in stark contrast to the baron landscape. There seem to be a lot of sheep for not much feed. And there is also a lot of ruins. Oh...and emu, ferrel goats and kangaroos.

Really was worth the day trip and you could certainly spend more time here since we only covered the southern half of the park.

Coober Pedy

15 December 2012
Had a tour of the Old Timers Mine. Looked through an underground mine and house. Found an opal ring that I'd like, so if you need any ideas for a Christmas present.

boys liked it, they got to wear a hard hat
In the evening we went for a drive to see the breakaways, dingo fence and moon plains. There really wasn't too much to see, the breakaways are just some hills that they say broke off the Stuart Ranges and the moon plains are named because of what the moon looks like.

the fence didn't keep out these two ferrels

Ayers Rock - Coober Pedy

13 December 2012
Caught the sunrise at Ayers Rock and Carl attemped the climb. He said it was really hard and he got nearly all of the way before heading back down.

half way up

bird's eye view

Left Ayers Rock and headed as far as we could south. We ended up staying on the border of NT and SA. It was so hot...we ran the generator to run the air-con until 9.30pm and thought we had better turn it off because there were others camped, but I really would have kept it going all night if it wasn't for Carl.

made it to SA

14 December 2012
Got an early start and made it to Coober Pedy. Interesting place. As you come into the area all you see is mounds of white dirt everywhere. Had the best pizza ever for tea at John's pizza shop.

view of Coober Pedy

Alice Springs - Ayers Rock

9 December 2012
We went and checked at the local market held at the Todd Mall. Was ok, got to see local art at the galleries too. Saw a few things I liked but was out of my price range (like always).

After the markets we went for a drive around town for look, the kids fell asleep so we couldn't go into any museums or the like.

Went out to tea at the local club and had a fantastic roast, could choose from four types of meat. Outside was a massive playground and jumping pillow for the kids. When it was time to go home Harry and Will were quite disappointed.

10 December 2012
West MacDonnell Ranges are definitely something to look at. The photos we took don't do it justice. We stopped off at Ellery Creek Big Hole for morning tea and the boys enjoyed a nudie dip in the cool waters of the swimming hole.

Ellery Creek Big Hole - water was cold
We decided not to drive the whole distance as it was just too far considering we are leaving for Ayers Rock tomorrow.

11 December 2012
Big drive today, Alice Springs to Ayers Rock. The journey was worth it though, the sight of The Rock is awesome.

Uluru - Ayers Rock

We tried to go for a walk, you can walk right around it if you like (10.6km) but the kids have pointed out that they don't like walking, which means they make us not enjoy it very much either. We did however cover a short distance and saw the location of where you can climb the rock if it is open.

dragging the kids along on a walk
The sunset at the lookout was nice and relaxing. We had a little picnic and the kids had fun playing in the dirt. Have found some furniture we like, haven't worked out how to fit it in the van though...

just kickin' back
12 December 2012
Visited the cultural centre they have at Ayers Rock. While we were there, a few presenters from NIT and SBS, along with Ernie Dingo and other aboriginals were also there for the first broadcast of the NIT onto SBS.

We left the cultural centre and travelled to Kata Tjuta.  Had lunch and did a little walking.

Kata Tjuta

Tonight we will go out to the rock again and watch the sunset.

sunset Ayers Rock

Mataranka - Alice Springs

06 December 2012
We left Katherine and arrived at Mataranka where we stayed at Territory Manor. They have Barramundi in a small dam which they feed twice a day, so I was lucky enough to feed a couple.

quick to get their food

We then headed off to  Bitter Springs and had a little swim. It was quite deep with a strong current so the kids had to be held in our arms. Luckily there were a few rocks to stand on. We were advised not to go to Mataranka Springs due to the large number of bats living there. We went for a drive around the country side but that was about all we did.

smelt a little bad but the water is clear

07 December 2012
A big day in the car driving, made it all the way to a free stop North of the Three Ways. Out with the generator to run the air con. It's quite hot. Oh, and we did pull into the Daly Waters Pub for a feed and a beer. Interesting place!!!

view across from the pub

here's a way to display your bottles Dad!

08 December 2012
Another big day in the car until we reached Alice Springs. We did make a stop along the way at the Devil's Marbles (quite spectacular).

Devil's Marbles

Cutta Cutta Caves

05 December 2012
27km South of Katherine is the Cutta Cutta Caves. We went on the 9am tour (which happened to be just the four of us). For some reason we weren't expecting to need any cash but when we got there it was $17 per adult. We had to scrounge around in the car until we came up with the money. Luckily for us we did.

The tour was great and lasted an hour. The cave was small but interesting. There was a couple of snake skins but we didn't see any live ones thank goodness. The bats lived further in the cave so we only saw one of those flying around.

Cutta Cutta caves

Katherine Gorge

03 December 2012
Carl woke up feeling under the weather so we decided to head off early and get to Katherine Gorge so he could rest. I even had to drive which was a little daunting.

04 December 2012
This morning Carl was all good, so we went off exploring the Gorge, not really...we went down to the water to find out the boat tour costs a fortune and so does the canoe hire. We opted not to do either and the lookout walk was closed so we turned around and went back to the van. Off we go to Katherine.

In Katherine we had a swim in the springs at the back of the van park we are staying at. The water is so clear and the temperature nice and cool.

Katherine Hot Springs

Leaving Darwin

02 December 2012
Well, our departure day has finally arrived after four months in Darwin. We have met some wonderful people and hope to keep in touch with them.

We think it is easier packing the car and van now, but it still takes along time, we ended up leaving Howard Springs at 10.30am Sunday after starting on Saturday.

First stop was just down the Stuart Hwy at Edith Falls, part of Nitmiluk National Park. Just a short walk from camp was a fantastic water hole. In the evening we took down the blow up double mattress and enjoyed paddling around.

Edith Falls
The night proved to be difficult to sleep due to the high temperature since there was no power to run our air conditioner. However we managed but looked forward to our next stop with air con.

Darwin Wave Pool

26 November 2012
Had a great morning at the wave pool, Darwin Waterfront. There were boogie boards for the kids to use this time and you couldn't get either one off them.

William surfing in close

Harrison wearing out Dad going in the deep

After dragging the kids away we enjoyed fish and chips at Stokes Wharf. Had to go back to the van then so we could get a few things done since we're leaving on Sunday. Looking forward to cooler weather. Has been pretty hot up here.

Adelaide River Cruises - Jumping Crocodile

13 October 2012
This weekend we had the grand plans to go to Kakadu National Park but when we woke this morning we just couldn't be bothered. Instead we went into Darwin city and Carl finally bought some new shorts (after a long time of me pestering him). Whilst in town we had a bit of a look around and had a bite to eat, nothing riveting but it did pass the time.

14 October 2012
Today it was time to see the much anticipated jumping crocs. We made the journey out to Adelaide River where we boarded a smallish boat with other excited passengers. One not so thrilled baby. It wasn't long before our first encounter...they can really jump!



On our way back we were hoping we'd have the honour of meeting the famous Brutus. Our wish came true and it was well worth it.


That afternoon we packed our camping gear and headed to Sandy Beach that looks out onto Shoal Bay, Gunn Point which is not too far from Howard Springs. Tried our hand at fishing but once again, no luck. However, the company was nice and we had an enjoyable time.

tough life...ain't it!

Kakadu - West Alligator Head

29 September 2012
The first track off the main road in Kakadu coming from Darwin follows the Wildman River until you reach West Alligator Head. We decided that would be a great start to our long weekend.

Carl had a quick fish at Two Mile Hole where he lost two soft plastics in a matter of five minutes.

great white hunter at Two Mile Hole
Onward to Four Mile Hole with a little sidetracking along the way. No fishing here as it was the middle of the day, but apparently this is the place at the moment if you have a boat.

Four Mile Hole
We were getting pretty hungry by this time so off we went in search for some shade and you wouldn't believe off the track a bit we found...

not sure why this is here
After a long and scenic drive through bushland...

a waterhole - we have never seen so many pelicans
...and floodplains we reached Pococks Beach where there are toilets, showers and a boat ramp and very strangely No Camping signs everywhere. This was very confusing so we continued on to Jungle Camp (a limit of two cars) and kept on going since this was definitely in the jungle right next to croc invested mangroves. We eventually found a great place to camp near the beach at Middle Beach camping area.

view from camp looking out to Van Diemen Gulf

view of camp from beach
The fence went around the camp ground to keep out crocs. This location is also a nesting ground for turtles, however we didn't see any, but we did see a lot of hermit crabs that night.

30 September 2012
It ended up raining through the night and looked threatening for more in the morning so after a quick pack up we were out of there. Or so we thought. We made it to the Mannasie Floodplains which were bone dry the day before but overnight turned into...um...yeah a floodplain!!! 

bogged, right up to side steps
Carl shovelled, he let air out of the tyres, tried to use the max tracks...nothing was working, then along came our rescuers in a 60 series Toyota. Once they got through it was only a little bit of towing and we were freed. Thank God, I really didn't want to spend all day there, the kids wouldn't have minded as all they could say was MUD, I like MUD.

where the car was bogged
After playing in the smelly mud we decided we needed to find somewhere to shower and watch the NRL grand final. Aurora was the closest place and since we didn't want to spend $192 on a room we camped ($34) and watched the game and ate at the bar, oh and goes without saying a few drinks too.

01 October 2012
Once again it rained over night and we were all suffering from million mozzie bites...we were over it...home please.

We ended up getting home in the early afternoon. Carl spent the rest of it washing the car and I spent it washing clothes. The boys got their wish and they played in mud!

Mary River National Park

15 September 2012
We decided since Carl had an RDO on Monday that we'd spend the weekend exploring the Top End. We chose Mary River National Park because it is located only 150km away along the Arnhem Hwy before Kakadu. After taking a couple of hours to pack our camping gear we headed off.

attractions ahead

Shady Camp looked a little isolated to camp with the kids so we chose to cough up $68 to stay for two nights at Point Stuart Wilderness Lodge. At least we had access to showers and toilets.

16 September 2012
We went up to Shady Camp for fish and look. No luck fishing so we continued along Point Stuart road and found a great spot to return to if we have a boat to go fishing in Finke Bay. Also up that way is a memorial for the explorer Stuart, we didn't walk out to it but we did have lunch and had a great view of the local wildlife.

wild buffalo

Carl won the hearts of Harry and Will by building them a swing in the tree.

higher Daddy, higher
After lunch we went and had a look up Wildman Road, there is another wilderness lodge which we will never stay at because it costs $250 per adult and $90 for children 2 and above. You do get meals included though! Also along that road is an abandoned correctional facility which looks like it was running one day and then left the next. Carl had a little sticky beak and said there was still all the stainless steel fittings and benches in the kitchen. All the building were in tact but showing signs of deterioration.

didn't bother having a look at this
In the dark of night we went back to Shady Camp to have a look for crocodiles. There were HEAPS of them. Counted about 16, and that is in a pretty small area. Tried to take some pictures but they didn't turn out very well. Goes without saying that Carl didn't go for a fish.

17 September 2012
Packed up camp and returned to Shady Camp for another fish. People up here seem to be very casual around crocs.

croc laying on barrage, another couple near by
Forgot to mention that Shady Camp has a barrage separating the fresh and salt water. There are crocs on both sides. This morning we could see about four, one of those being quite large.

Heading for home we decided to take the Hardy 4WD track. Great scenery, truly is different country up here.

MaMa & DadDad visit Darwin

21 August 2012
I had an early start to the morning...my Mum and Dad's plane was due to arrive at 00.30am...so off to the Darwin Airport. Thankfully they arrived on time, not much to do at the airport. Took them home and for their stay they slept in our bed while Carl and I had downstairs in the annexe.
That morning William woke first to discover his Mum and Dad weren't in their beds but some imposter's, so as you could imagine he was a little upset until he located us. But when Harry woke, he noticed the bed had a new quilt and then he realised "MaMa!!!DadDad!!!"...so excited.
The remainder of the day was resting and catching up with each other.
That night we all went for tea at the local Tavern and Mum and I stayed on for a bit of Bingo, where I won $50, not bad for a night out!
25 August 2012
Today we decided a nice cruise down the Adelaide River would be the ticket. Harry was our Captain and he had plenty of info about the area and wildlife. The rest of our tour group was made up of a bunch of Melbourne friends, some of whom had already been on the trip a few years ago.
It wasn't long after boarding and getting underway that we saw our first of many, many crocs. 

one of the many crocs we saw

We had morning tea on board the boat, however for lunch we ventured on to land at Harry's private camp where he cooked up a mean BBQ. He also let us in on how he eradicated Cane Toads from the area by teaching the meat ants to eat them. He is adamant that he hasn't seen any since.

Before returning home we stopped off at Goat's Island, which is a tiny island in the middle of the river. On this island a man lives with his dogs and chooks. We were treated to a performance by one of his dogs, the kids thought it was fascinating. This man also has accommodation so if you didn't get enough you could stay and enjoy his hospitality. At least there is a bar so you may be able to cope for one night!
goat island with singing dog
The day was pretty long but very interesting and enjoyable. Harrison and William got to have a go at driving the boat and after all the excitement had a little sleep on the way home.

our way home

26 August 2012
At Doctors Gully there is fish feeding everyday depending on the tide. You grab the bread that is supplied and feed it to the fish, you can get in the water with them or just throw it from the side.

We arrived in the car park and you wouldn't have guessed who pulled up also, the same people who went on the tour with us yesterday. Lucky for us because one of the ladies ended up pulling William out of the water where they were feeding the fish and where I thought Carl was with them. William came crying to me saying "Fish eat me, fish eat me". He continued to say it for the rest of the day.

fish feeding at Doctors Gully

having a great time
After fish feeding we thought we should feed ourselves, so off we went to the Casino for a buffet lunch. It was very nice with everything and anything to choose from.

That evening we went to Mindil Beach Markets, which are on Thursdays and Sundays. There is numerous food and craft type stalls with entertainment thrown in. The kids like it because there is a jumping castle and playground.
27 August 2012
Happy Birthday to me. Thank you to all for the birthday wishes, cards and gifts.

Today I'm taking Mum, Dad and the kids to a place where Tom worked a while ago, La Belle Station. We made the long journey out there hoping we would be able to look around (since it had now turned into a tourist spot owned by RM Williams Company). However we were sadly mistaken and were only allowed to look as far as the closed gate down the road. At least we were able to eat our lunch in the shade of their trees.

We continued on to Litchfield National Park where the kids had a swim at Wangi Falls and I had offers from a Greek family to purchase William. Yes, I did knock them back. William got a nice feed of chips though.

Onwards James...the drive is quite long through Litchfield but we made it. Had a rest stop in Bachelor and got home that afternoon.

Mum and Dad looked after the kids for Carl and I while we went to the movies. It was great to get out by ourselves, pity the movie wasn't the best.

29 August 2012
Today we had a look at Darwin's Museum. There was a display on Cyclone Tracy, Aboriginal art and old fishing boats amongst other things.

Fanny Bay Goal was just down the road so we had a quick look at that. Very eerie but interesting at the same time.
1 September 2012
Palmerston Water Park had some sort of promotion on so we headed off there for a bit. Peppa Pig did a song and dance which William really liked. As you can see by him being at the front of the stage. Harry like it for a short time especially  when he ran on stage but was keen to get back to the waterslide.
William enjoying Peppa Pig
That night Harry and William weren't going to miss out on going to the airport to farewell their grandparents. Harry fell asleep on the way and William on the way home. Thanks Mum and Dad for visiting, we had a great time.

Crocodylus Park

1 August 2012
Come on kids let's get ready, we're off to Crocodylus Park...there were crocs, snakes, monkeys, lions, tigers and lots of other animals. Harry wasn't too keen on the crocs but William was fascinated by them. We went on a guided tour of the crocs, there were heaps of them considering how small the space was. It was a little too cold for any ferocious feeding, however some did participate and we were able to see them have a feed.

Introducing...Charmaine, crocodile feeder extraordinaire

At the end of the tour we were able to hold a small crocodile.

Even though we had a great morning I can't help but feel sorry for animals in captivity, they all seemed to have a sad looking face...except the crocs that is...

check out the smile on this one

By the way I found the perfect birthday  present you can all put in for...a lovely crocodile handbag at the bargain price of $1900.

About Us

My photo
Carl, Charmaine, Harrison and William. 7/3/12 we started our journey around Australia, not sure how long it will take, just going to see were 'it' takes us.