Cutta Cutta Caves

05 December 2012
27km South of Katherine is the Cutta Cutta Caves. We went on the 9am tour (which happened to be just the four of us). For some reason we weren't expecting to need any cash but when we got there it was $17 per adult. We had to scrounge around in the car until we came up with the money. Luckily for us we did.

The tour was great and lasted an hour. The cave was small but interesting. There was a couple of snake skins but we didn't see any live ones thank goodness. The bats lived further in the cave so we only saw one of those flying around.

Cutta Cutta caves

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Carl, Charmaine, Harrison and William. 7/3/12 we started our journey around Australia, not sure how long it will take, just going to see were 'it' takes us.