East Coast Tasmania

08 March 2013
Off to see the rest of the East Coast, with our van, camping over the west was enough camping for me in this state with its unpredictable weather. We left New Norfolk and travelled via Campbell Town, through St Marys to Chain of Lagoons on the coast. We went through a section called Elephant Pass, have no idea how an elephant would be able to get through there. The road was very windy and steep and narrow, luckily for us there was no traffic.

The  camp spot on the beach was packed due to the long weekend but we managed to get a nice camp. Carl got to go fishing and the boys did their favourite thing, play in the sand and water.

09 March 2013
Did a day trip up to St Helens and had a picnic in the park. Checked out Binalong Bay and found some tasty oysters for only $8 a dozen. Never seen such huge oysters.

St Helens

bloody big oysters
After returning to camp Carl went fishing again. Caught a fish....no just joking, a bloke gave him one. At least he is getting lots of practice and as Harry says, practice makes perfect.

10 March 2013
Went and checked out Bicheno, didn't take too long, not much to see. There is a blow hole but we weren't convinced it should have a big write-up in the tourist brochures.

Bicheno blow hole
11 March 2013
Moved camp to Bay of Fires. Wow, very nice.

on our front door step

12 March 2013
In the afternoon we went fishing just a few kilometers from where we were camped. And you wouldn't believe it but Carl actually caught fish, enough fish for two feeds. I would show you a photo of his haul however I was too busy with the kids to get one.

look in front of Harry...a fish

Carl fishing Bay of Fires

13 March 2013
Moved up to Bridport which is north of Scottsdale.

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Carl, Charmaine, Harrison and William. 7/3/12 we started our journey around Australia, not sure how long it will take, just going to see were 'it' takes us.