Arno bay

30 July 2013
Made it as far as Arno bay, which isn't that far from whyalla. We weren't planning on pulling up here but couldn't go past the caravan park on the foreshore with beach and jetty out the front and massive playground out the side.

Today we borrowed some sand surfing boards from the office and headed up the road to port gibbon to surf the dunes. Needless to say it was heaps of fun and we are all tired. More me though I think. We got to see dolphins and sealions while we were there.

Carl is off fishing now. He's been doing quite well with whiting and squid hope it continues.

31 July 2013
We trekked up to port gibbon to do some sand surfing. I couldn't believe the kids, they continually walked up the dunes without complaint. They couldn't get enough of it. We would have been there a lot longer if my legs and bum weren't hurting so much.

While we were there I went for a stroll around the shore line and spotted some dolphins and sea lions. I didn't even see the sea lions until I was right near them, I got a bit of a fright.

Iron knob

We drove to iron knob for a look, it didn't take long.

It was so windy today we didn't do much else but the kids are loving this playground.


26 July 2013
Found a great camp at point lowly right next to a playground. The kids love it. Up the end of the road is a light house.

We drove in and had a look around whyalla. One steel looks to be their main industry getting iron ore from iron knob about 50km away.

Hancock lookout

25July 2013
Found the most picturesque campsite for the night on our way from broken hill to Eyre peninsula, a spot called hancock's lookout.

We had views of the flinders rangers and the Spencer gulf. You could even see the power station at port augusta.

Broken hill

23 July 2013
Priorities with sightseeing we head to singleton where mad max 2 was filmed. We visited the museum dedicated to it. Found an old pub for a bite to eat. Saw one of the locals.

Back in broken hill we went to the pro Hart gallery. Really liked some of his work, pity the wallet isn't big enough to acquire one, settled on a book instead.

Had a stroll around the living desert which is a nature reserve showing the local fauna and flora.

Drove up to see some sculptures on a hill overlooking the town. Thankfully there were plaques to say what the sculptures were.

24 July 2013
Took a trip to the memorial for the miners who had lost their lives in mines at broken hill. As you can see it is very large.

Had a look through the regional arts gallery. Why do they always make places where you need to be quiet, have the loudest echoing rooms with wooden floor boards. As you can imagine our boys had a blast.

Lucky for us we found a huge playground for them and we played there for the rest of the afternoon.

Onward to wa

20 July 2013
Finally we're on the road again, heading to broken hill first. We had a nice drive stopping for the best pies we've had in awhile at Dunedoo. Pulled up at a small place called mendooran with a campsite right on a river for the night.

21 July 2013
Bit chilly without the heater. Had a big day driving couldn't believe how many goats and emus we are seeing. Camped by the road west of cobar at meadow Glen. Popular spot plenty of fellow caravaners. Had a fire, pity we couldn't take it in the van with us.

22 July 2013
Made it to broken hill. William keeps asking where fix it hill is. The town is definitely built around the mine. So much history and interesting aswell.

William's birthday

7 July 2013
Happy birthday William. We started our day with breakfast at McDonald's, it was a brisk walk there was quite a bit of ice laying around.

A few presents and phone calls later it was time to go on a horse stud tour with Craig Benjamin for the day.

There is know way I can regurgitate all the information given to us but we did learn alot and opened our eyes to a whole other world. One we'd never be able to afford unless we come by, oh, 20 mil or so. If you weren't impressed by the horses than the properties certainly did. We visited vinery, arrowfield and darley. Darley being owned by the ruler of Dubai. This property has 30 houses on it to accommodate staff, which they need since he has 430 breeding mares located there. He also has his own plane that transports his horses all over the world. You'll also be glad he supports the local economy by buying everything local. His manager is an Aussie lad who has worked for him for the last 15 years or so.

I could go on and on, just a great day and recommend the tour to anyone.

Aberdeen highland games

6 July 2013
Travelled up the road to Aberdeen to have a gander at the Scottish highland games. The crowd was quite large the competitors a little lite on, however still enjoyable.

The pipe bands sounded and looked fantastic and appeared throughout the day.

We couldn't get over the guys competing in the Scottish games. One event required each of them to lift five balls at weights varying from 100kg to 165kg in the quickest time. The winner did it in 27 seconds. He happens to be the Australian champion.

Other events was to toss a 25kg weight over a high bar. Winning height 14 feet.

Flick a 20 pound sack over a high bar with a pitch fork. Winning height 28 feet. The world record is 36 and a half feet. Really don't know how they do it.

We had a great time but couldn't quite last the whole day.


3 July 2013
Mama and daddad are visiting for a bit so off we go doing the touristy things around the area. We started at hunta belle, a cheese making place with cafe at muswellbrook. The kids had fun playing with bessy and the adults had fun tasting the cheese. It was all very nice as we came away with a few purchases.

Next we drove toward Denman and stopped at pukara olives where we tasted and once again purchased, olives, olive oil and vinegars.

A quick wine taste at two rivers winery, Denman. A lovely drop or two bought there.

Took the long way home but keen to get stuck into our goodies when we get there.

About Us

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Carl, Charmaine, Harrison and William. 7/3/12 we started our journey around Australia, not sure how long it will take, just going to see were 'it' takes us.