Arno bay

30 July 2013
Made it as far as Arno bay, which isn't that far from whyalla. We weren't planning on pulling up here but couldn't go past the caravan park on the foreshore with beach and jetty out the front and massive playground out the side.

Today we borrowed some sand surfing boards from the office and headed up the road to port gibbon to surf the dunes. Needless to say it was heaps of fun and we are all tired. More me though I think. We got to see dolphins and sealions while we were there.

Carl is off fishing now. He's been doing quite well with whiting and squid hope it continues.

31 July 2013
We trekked up to port gibbon to do some sand surfing. I couldn't believe the kids, they continually walked up the dunes without complaint. They couldn't get enough of it. We would have been there a lot longer if my legs and bum weren't hurting so much.

While we were there I went for a stroll around the shore line and spotted some dolphins and sea lions. I didn't even see the sea lions until I was right near them, I got a bit of a fright.

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Carl, Charmaine, Harrison and William. 7/3/12 we started our journey around Australia, not sure how long it will take, just going to see were 'it' takes us.