William's birthday

7 July 2013
Happy birthday William. We started our day with breakfast at McDonald's, it was a brisk walk there was quite a bit of ice laying around.

A few presents and phone calls later it was time to go on a horse stud tour with Craig Benjamin for the day.

There is know way I can regurgitate all the information given to us but we did learn alot and opened our eyes to a whole other world. One we'd never be able to afford unless we come by, oh, 20 mil or so. If you weren't impressed by the horses than the properties certainly did. We visited vinery, arrowfield and darley. Darley being owned by the ruler of Dubai. This property has 30 houses on it to accommodate staff, which they need since he has 430 breeding mares located there. He also has his own plane that transports his horses all over the world. You'll also be glad he supports the local economy by buying everything local. His manager is an Aussie lad who has worked for him for the last 15 years or so.

I could go on and on, just a great day and recommend the tour to anyone.

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Carl, Charmaine, Harrison and William. 7/3/12 we started our journey around Australia, not sure how long it will take, just going to see were 'it' takes us.