Thorntonia - Week 1

24 March 2012
As we were leaving the caravan park in Mt Isa we heard a friendly voice on the UHF 'Is that you Carl?'. You wouldn't believe it but we had pulled out two cars in front of Lloyd (our new boss to be). He was in town picking up a horse.

Anyway, we found our way to Thorntonia after carefully counting the grids to the station. We were met by one of the workers, Chris, who kindly showed us to our new abode. It is called Thorntonia cottage, a standard house with a good kitchen and plenty of room for the kids to spread their toys out. We have internet but alas, the tv doesn't work.

25 March 2012
Just settling into our new residence. Carl spent half the day mowing the lawn and tidying the outside up. Sure made the place look like a million bucks.

Harry and Will have found new friends in the form of horses, dogs and chooks. And new play equipment, a huge trampoline.

26 March 2012
Carl started work today using his great mechanical knowledge fixing up a 1976 Hino truck for its mechanical inspection. First thing he did was drop the mirror he was trying to attach, hopefully the seven years bad luck is only a superstition.

He knocked off at five which has now earned him the name 'hourly rate' from Chris.

Ray and Val arrived in the evening, I don't know how they manage to do the trip in one day, I know I wouldn't be able too. Anyway I had tea waiting for them, a roast with veges and syrup bottom pudding. Everyone enjoyed, however there were a few complaints on how much washing up I caused for the boys.

27 March 2012
Carl got to chase some cattle today on a motorbike, and yes, he came back in one piece. Lloyd I heard was the man of the day performing all of the stunts.

Whilst we were catching up over a  drink in the annexe that evening I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a black headed python coming our way. I grabbed William and took off to the car and Carl finally caught on and followed with Harrison. The snake ended up being about 8 foot long and hopefully now is a long way off down the paddock.

28 March 2012
It has become a ritual if the kids eat their tea they get to feed the animals. So far, it's about every second night.

29 March 2012
Lloyd and Harry fed the horses as usual, but this time Lloyd put Harry on this old creamy mare. The conversation that followed was something like this...
Harry: I want to ride her
Lloyd: You are riding her
Harry: No I'm not, she's not moving
Lloyd makes the mare move a bit but the horse is too busy eating
Lloyd: Come on it's getting dark we have to go in
Harry: I'll get a torch
They both come in the house yard where Harry proceeds to get a solar lantern out of the garden.

That boy has an answer for everything, but he still has the same question, Why?

30 March 2012
The kids and I got up early with Carl so we could join him and Ray on a truck journey to drop off more bulls. On the way home we stopped off at a waterhole beside the road and had morning tea while the kids had nudey swim.

I thought this country was pretty remote but while we were there three or four vehicles passed by. Good to know now, would have hated it to be Carl and I swimming....

Winton - Mt Isa

21 March 2012
We managed to wade our way out of Winton in search for dryer pastures. We found a great waterhole called the Blue Healer which healed our travelling blues (Harry and Will) It took a couple of hours to continue our journey and finally made it to Mt Isa. The scenery on our way there was indeed delightful.

50km west of Winton on Landsborough Hwy

22 & 23 March 2012
Carl went shopping, therefore we are heading to Thorntonia tomorrow, our first work stop. Not sure when we'll have phone or internet coverage so until then...


20 March 2012
Finally after Harry talking about it for the past week, we went to 'Dinosaur Land'.  You wouldn't believe we were in Winton, where I imagined it to be dry and desolate.

13km East of Winton Age of the Dinosaur lookout

wind and rain in Winton

The tour was quite interesting but once again we were too early as their new reception building is opening in April. Goes to show you should really do some research before you head off on a holiday. We did however get to see some of the bones they have uncovered and a meteorite they found in the area.  I know I would not have the patience that they do. It is a slow process drilling away at the rock to reveal the bone underneath. 

The young lady was new to conducting tours and was a little slow on the uptake when it came to Carl's sense of humour.  She was talking about a particular dinosaur they were working on and about getting it ready to release and Carl said 'what, back into the wild', she just looked at him with a confused look on her face.

At the Waltzing Matilda museum William found a friend. He chatted to him, held his hand and honked his nose.

nice to meet you mate

honk honk

The museum wasn't worried about people touching the exhibits, in one room there was an axe and fox trap just lying on the floor.  We ended up getting drenched with rain as some of the items to look at were outside. Harry had fun jumping in massive puddles on the concrete and having a shower under a leak in one of the roofs. We've since decided that John has enough 'old stuff' to open his own museum which would fund his retirement if he charged what the 'outback' does.

Carl and his big gun (don't hit the trap house with this one)

Longreach - Winton

19 March 2012
The mud hole that was our campsite proved to be a little challenging when packing up however we managed to accomplish this feat by what has become our regular departure time of 10am. 

We headed off to the QANTAS museum and spent some time looking at the exhibits, okay I spent some time while Carl and the kids had a photo session.

the horn could be heard throughout the building

pilots in the making
After we had a scrumptious feed in the cafe we went on our way to Winton hoping for fine weather so we could dry out.


16 March 2012

We made it to Longreach, not sure when we last had a blue sky above us, however it has allowed the days to be very pleasurable in temperature.

We've discovered that we can free camp for about five days before we have no battery power left in the van. Will have to look into prolonging it if we are to continue living the free and easy lifestyle we are becoming accustomed to.

17 March 2012

Decided to go to the first Longreach horse racing meet for the year. All was good until the bar was closed after the first race due to a rumoured licensing problem. Not sure who they knew but the bar was reopened before any angry protesting from the crowd. We didn't stick around too long due to the ominous weather approaching plus all Harry wanted to do was to get his kit off.

18 March 2012

Stockman's Hall of Fame wore the brunt of the Benno crew, thankfully there weren't too many people visiting because we haven't quite got the hang of controling our children.  For some reason I felt quite emotional whilst reading the exhibits. Maybe it was a little reminder of home.

The camping area we stayed in turned into a mud hole but always looking on the bright side, the kids had a ball.



14 March 2012

Well you wouldn't believe it, but not much longer after I posted the fishing comment, Carl comes back with a Yellow Belly.

pretty proud of himself

So, since he was feeling confident we decided to stay an extra night to see how many 'the great white hunter' could catch.

Must say though the next fish will be on the catch and release program due to the fact we haven't quite got the taste for fresh water fish.

Jericho - Barcaldine

We were delayed leaving the Gemfields by one day due to a little problem with the car's aircontioner. It's all fixed now and we never new that you could have it so cold.

13 March 2012
Using our trusty Camps 6 book we found a lovely spot by the river in Jericho. We didn't quite find it straight away since the directions have changed since the book had been published. (Will have to endeavour downloading the updates off the internet.) Carl did however get some good practice at reversing the van and doing U turns.

Did a spot of fishing and the best catch was by Harry with his first ever 'stick' fish. He was very proud about it and hopes for many more.

Harry's first stick fish

14 March 2012
After having such a lovely time by the water we decided to continue our river stays with another at Barcaldine, Lloyd Jones Weir where Carl is determined to catch an actual fish. That may mean we will be here for quite some time.

Lloyd Jones Weir campsite

Biloela - Rubyvale Qld

Guess what everyone? Yep that's right, we finally left Bilo. Enjoying every minute of it so far, as you would expect. Just got to figure out how to spend the rest of the month covering only 1222km.

Haven't found any sapphires to write home about, but we have had a go. Went on a mine tour at Miners Heritage which was informative and made us glad we weren't miners back in the day with only tummy tunnels to crawl around in.

Miners Heritage

Must say the camping grounds at 2 Miles Beach House is excellent.

About Us

My photo
Carl, Charmaine, Harrison and William. 7/3/12 we started our journey around Australia, not sure how long it will take, just going to see were 'it' takes us.