Thorntonia - Week 1

24 March 2012
As we were leaving the caravan park in Mt Isa we heard a friendly voice on the UHF 'Is that you Carl?'. You wouldn't believe it but we had pulled out two cars in front of Lloyd (our new boss to be). He was in town picking up a horse.

Anyway, we found our way to Thorntonia after carefully counting the grids to the station. We were met by one of the workers, Chris, who kindly showed us to our new abode. It is called Thorntonia cottage, a standard house with a good kitchen and plenty of room for the kids to spread their toys out. We have internet but alas, the tv doesn't work.

25 March 2012
Just settling into our new residence. Carl spent half the day mowing the lawn and tidying the outside up. Sure made the place look like a million bucks.

Harry and Will have found new friends in the form of horses, dogs and chooks. And new play equipment, a huge trampoline.

26 March 2012
Carl started work today using his great mechanical knowledge fixing up a 1976 Hino truck for its mechanical inspection. First thing he did was drop the mirror he was trying to attach, hopefully the seven years bad luck is only a superstition.

He knocked off at five which has now earned him the name 'hourly rate' from Chris.

Ray and Val arrived in the evening, I don't know how they manage to do the trip in one day, I know I wouldn't be able too. Anyway I had tea waiting for them, a roast with veges and syrup bottom pudding. Everyone enjoyed, however there were a few complaints on how much washing up I caused for the boys.

27 March 2012
Carl got to chase some cattle today on a motorbike, and yes, he came back in one piece. Lloyd I heard was the man of the day performing all of the stunts.

Whilst we were catching up over a  drink in the annexe that evening I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a black headed python coming our way. I grabbed William and took off to the car and Carl finally caught on and followed with Harrison. The snake ended up being about 8 foot long and hopefully now is a long way off down the paddock.

28 March 2012
It has become a ritual if the kids eat their tea they get to feed the animals. So far, it's about every second night.

29 March 2012
Lloyd and Harry fed the horses as usual, but this time Lloyd put Harry on this old creamy mare. The conversation that followed was something like this...
Harry: I want to ride her
Lloyd: You are riding her
Harry: No I'm not, she's not moving
Lloyd makes the mare move a bit but the horse is too busy eating
Lloyd: Come on it's getting dark we have to go in
Harry: I'll get a torch
They both come in the house yard where Harry proceeds to get a solar lantern out of the garden.

That boy has an answer for everything, but he still has the same question, Why?

30 March 2012
The kids and I got up early with Carl so we could join him and Ray on a truck journey to drop off more bulls. On the way home we stopped off at a waterhole beside the road and had morning tea while the kids had nudey swim.

I thought this country was pretty remote but while we were there three or four vehicles passed by. Good to know now, would have hated it to be Carl and I swimming....

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Carl, Charmaine, Harrison and William. 7/3/12 we started our journey around Australia, not sure how long it will take, just going to see were 'it' takes us.