
20 March 2012
Finally after Harry talking about it for the past week, we went to 'Dinosaur Land'.  You wouldn't believe we were in Winton, where I imagined it to be dry and desolate.

13km East of Winton Age of the Dinosaur lookout

wind and rain in Winton

The tour was quite interesting but once again we were too early as their new reception building is opening in April. Goes to show you should really do some research before you head off on a holiday. We did however get to see some of the bones they have uncovered and a meteorite they found in the area.  I know I would not have the patience that they do. It is a slow process drilling away at the rock to reveal the bone underneath. 

The young lady was new to conducting tours and was a little slow on the uptake when it came to Carl's sense of humour.  She was talking about a particular dinosaur they were working on and about getting it ready to release and Carl said 'what, back into the wild', she just looked at him with a confused look on her face.

At the Waltzing Matilda museum William found a friend. He chatted to him, held his hand and honked his nose.

nice to meet you mate

honk honk

The museum wasn't worried about people touching the exhibits, in one room there was an axe and fox trap just lying on the floor.  We ended up getting drenched with rain as some of the items to look at were outside. Harry had fun jumping in massive puddles on the concrete and having a shower under a leak in one of the roofs. We've since decided that John has enough 'old stuff' to open his own museum which would fund his retirement if he charged what the 'outback' does.

Carl and his big gun (don't hit the trap house with this one)

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Carl, Charmaine, Harrison and William. 7/3/12 we started our journey around Australia, not sure how long it will take, just going to see were 'it' takes us.