Jericho - Barcaldine

We were delayed leaving the Gemfields by one day due to a little problem with the car's aircontioner. It's all fixed now and we never new that you could have it so cold.

13 March 2012
Using our trusty Camps 6 book we found a lovely spot by the river in Jericho. We didn't quite find it straight away since the directions have changed since the book had been published. (Will have to endeavour downloading the updates off the internet.) Carl did however get some good practice at reversing the van and doing U turns.

Did a spot of fishing and the best catch was by Harry with his first ever 'stick' fish. He was very proud about it and hopes for many more.

Harry's first stick fish

14 March 2012
After having such a lovely time by the water we decided to continue our river stays with another at Barcaldine, Lloyd Jones Weir where Carl is determined to catch an actual fish. That may mean we will be here for quite some time.

Lloyd Jones Weir campsite

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Carl, Charmaine, Harrison and William. 7/3/12 we started our journey around Australia, not sure how long it will take, just going to see were 'it' takes us.