
16 March 2012

We made it to Longreach, not sure when we last had a blue sky above us, however it has allowed the days to be very pleasurable in temperature.

We've discovered that we can free camp for about five days before we have no battery power left in the van. Will have to look into prolonging it if we are to continue living the free and easy lifestyle we are becoming accustomed to.

17 March 2012

Decided to go to the first Longreach horse racing meet for the year. All was good until the bar was closed after the first race due to a rumoured licensing problem. Not sure who they knew but the bar was reopened before any angry protesting from the crowd. We didn't stick around too long due to the ominous weather approaching plus all Harry wanted to do was to get his kit off.

18 March 2012

Stockman's Hall of Fame wore the brunt of the Benno crew, thankfully there weren't too many people visiting because we haven't quite got the hang of controling our children.  For some reason I felt quite emotional whilst reading the exhibits. Maybe it was a little reminder of home.

The camping area we stayed in turned into a mud hole but always looking on the bright side, the kids had a ball.


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Carl, Charmaine, Harrison and William. 7/3/12 we started our journey around Australia, not sure how long it will take, just going to see were 'it' takes us.