Darwin Royal Show

26 July 2012
The Darwin Royal Show started today and since we had nothing else on, we decided to go along and have a look.

It was a typical show with mostly show bags for sale but the kids got enough freebies that we didn't need to get them one. We went and watched the racing pigs where Carl got picked on to do a 'snort like a pig' but Harry was there to save the day and he did a fantastic snort into the microphone and everyone got a big kick out of it.

Harry was the flag waver for our section

The Bananas in Pyjamas did an appearance at the ABC tent, and I mean appearance, all they did was come and get their photo taken with each child. Harry and Will were quite disappointed that they didn't do a show and weren't keen at all with getting their photo taken.

B1 & B2

We couldn't go past the mechanical bull without Harry begging us for a ride.

future bull rider

Sideshow alley got a visit and the kids had a go on the clowns and Carl took them on the Dodgem Cars. Harry was first and Will couldn't wait to have a turn.

Harry at the wheel

Will's turn

Harry spotted Peppa Pig in the crowd but was too shy to have a picture with her.

Will and Peppa Pig

William ended up falling asleep in Carl's arms after lunch which meant that was the end of the show, I think we did really well having stayed there for four hours.

Cairns to Darwin

19 July 2012
Sadly we had to say goodbye to Cairns to make our way to Darwin, NT. We got an early start, 8.30am, and headed off towards Townsville, that meant going on the notorious Bruce Hwy. We made Townsville by about 3pm. After picking up our solar panels that Justin had accidentally taken home, we continued on and pulled up for the night at a lovely spot beside the Burdekin River east of Charters Towers.

20 July 2012
Once again we got on the road early, 7.30am. We had no worries and made it all the way past Cloncurry. We stayed beside the road in a packed out rest area. Carl was quick to get the chainsaw and collect firewood for a much needed campfire. I think he caught the firebug whilst up the Cape.

21 July 2012
Mt Isa here we come. Supplies were picked up and the car filled with fuel for the long drive to Darwin.

crossing the boarder

We are all really looking forward to seeing Darwin and exploring the top of the NT.

The day of driving seemed to go on forever so we pulled up stumps at Soudan Bore. Once again the campfire was started as soon as the wind died down. We met a lovely couple, Steve and Anne, who kept us company for the evening. There were also some native wildlife amusing us with their antics.

22 July 2012
Oh no, not another day in the car. The kids have surprisingly been pretty good considering the number of hours spent strapped into their car seats. The countryside is a sight and keeps the day interesting. Tonight we made it to Dunmarra and stayed in the caravan park which is part of the roadhouse, which is part of the pub. That's right, that is all that makes up Dunmarra. We decided to attend happy hour and have the Sunday roast, Buffalo. Our new friends, Steve and Anne, also accompanied us. I couldn't tell the difference between Beef and Buffalo, I don't know if that was because of the happy hour before, or if they really do taste the same.

23 July 2012
We stopped at Mataranka Spings for lunch and had a swim in the springs. It was fantastic and we will be sure to stop there for longer on our way through to the south.

as warm as bath water

Katherine. To quote Forest Gump, "That's all I have to say about that."

24 July 2012
Yeah!!! we made it Darwin.

Mossman, Tinaroo & Cairns

10 July 2012 - 13 July 2012
Kev & Maree (better known as Nanny and Poppy) flew up to Mossman to catch up with us and other family members as well. We all stayed at Julie and Greg's for a few days, which the dogs weren't too happy about.

Nanny & Poppy took the kids for a day and visited a zoo and played at a park. Carl and I had the day to go shopping and have a nice quite coffee together, which was lovely.

The night's entertainment was Harry the poppy rider...

13 July 2012 - 15 July 2012
Off to Tinaroo...Nanny, Poppy and us went and stayed with Janet and Michael in a spectacular house on the edge of Tinaroo dam. We enjoyed good food, great drinks (especially the coffees) and even better company.

15 July 2012
Julie and Greg joined us for breakfast, much to our surprise. The kids had a ball getting to know their Great Aunts and Uncles, however we had to pack up and go back to Mossman to pick up our van and head to Cairns.

We arrived at Kate and Mark's house around 4ish in time to say a quick Hello and make our way to Denise & Bruce's where Great Nanny was staying. Harry greeted Great Nanny with a cuddle and "I haven't seen you for long time". We indulged in nibbles and drinks by the pool for a couple of hours. Coral and Janice even came over to say Hi as well.

Back to Kate and Mark's for tea where Scott joined us.

16 July 2012
Carl took the van to get its air conditioning fixed and then he looked after the kids, including Jack, while Kate took me into town. I had a great day seeing the new office of Elders Real Estate, nice to see Scott's name on the door, and eating Sushi, and shopping. We got home in time for Kate to pick up Keira and Carl to pick up the van.

That night we travelled out to Janet and Michael's for tea, roast corned meat and strawberry crumble, very nice. Got to catch up with Simon too. Sadly Nanny and Poppy had to fly out the next day so we had to say goodbye to them also.

Back at Kate and Mark's, Kate had been out and picked up her student dossers from America. Brad and Nick, nice guys.

17 July 2012
Carl took it upon himself to entertain Brad and Nick taking them around town showing them all the important sights, such as, 4WD, gun and fishing shops and letting them experience great Aussie food...steak burgers.  They came back after lunch and we offered for them to stay and have a rest however they were eager to go fishing, so off they went with Carl. Unfortunately they only caught a couple of puffer fish but they were happy with that.

Great Nanna came over for the day and looked after the kids for me while I caught up on some much needed washing.

While Kate took Brad and Nick to a BBQ, Mark, Carl and I took our kids to a pre-opening of the Cairns Show. The kids got to play with the animals in the animal nursery and have their faces painted and balloon animals made for them. We also enjoyed great food, the best pizza I've ever had (big call) and open bar. The show even gave out free Dairy Farmers show bags.

After everyone getting back, Kate and I went with Brad and Nick to the night markets in town and finished the evening off by going to a look out to see the city in lights.

18 July 2012
Again, I spent the day washing and cleaning, Kate went to work after dropping off Brad and Nick and Carl cleaned the van inside and out. By the way it looks unreal!!! In the afternoon Carl, the kids and I went to the Lagoon in town and had a little swim and some ice cream. It's a great place for kids because there is sand and not very deep water in one section. There were heaps of people there and you don't have to pay.

Spent some more time with Denise and Bruce before they went out. We had fish and chips with Great Nanny, Scott, Kate, Mark and the kids.

We had a wonderful time seeing all of our family in Cairns and Mossman and will endeavour to do it again.

Cape York

26 June 2012
Left for the Cape. We took the Daintree River Ferry over and drove up through the Daintree rainforest. The road was windy and up and down, we handled it easy, however Justin still had adjusting to do driving his new car. We had lunch at the Lion's Den Hotel and camped the night at Hann River Roadhouse.

the old lion has seen better days

Hann river camp

27 June 2012
Big day in the car. Made it all the way to Weipa and we've decided to stay for three nights in the caravan park.

On our way we stopped for lunch at Archer River where the kids had a swim. The water was flowing and crystal clear and cold but only ankle to knee deep.

kids having a great time

Tony got stuck in the sand driving out so Justin and Carl to the rescue with the good old Max Tracks.

Just as we were about to drive off Paula Davis and family pulled up. They were on their way home after two weeks up the cape.

28 June 2012
Nice to be able to wake-up and not have to pack up.

We all went for a drive to have a look around and of course sorce a fishing spot. At one place we pulled up at the beach, Carl thought he saw a crocodile so he starts yelling out to everyone "there's a croc...there's a croc". Turned out that it was just some floating leaves. Pretty funny!

That evening while the boys were off fishing the rest of us went and watched the sun set over the ocean.

Weipa sunset
The boys returned with one Brim, lucky we weren't counting on them for tea.

29 June 2012
Carl, Justin, Tony and Holly went fishing first thing in the morning. Carl and Justin came back for breakfast while Tony and Holly returned later, Holly boasting with the most caught for the morning. Fish and chips for tea!!! Thanks Holly.

30 June 2012
We left Weipa in the morning and made our way to the Southern part of the old Telegraph Track. The first creek crossing was Palm Creek and it looked quite treterous. The entrance had been gouged out and the exit was long and steep.

The second crossing was Ducie Creek which had and easy entrance into the water but two different exits. One being better than the other. We decided to camp here due to the time of day and the creek was nice to swim and bathe in.

1 July 2012
Continued on to North Alice Creek where we got stuck and had to get Tony to help us out. The plough keeps getting us into trouble with the trailer. Tony is not letting Carl live it down.

The other crossings for the day were no worries...Dulhunty River, Bertie Creek and Cholmondeley Creek.

Gunshot Creek had a few different entrances but we chose the easiest. We stopped and had our lunch while watching others do the crossing.

After lunch we headed across the main drag and started the Northern section of the Old Telegraph Track. Cockatoo Creek was fairly deep and the tree in the middle showed signs of others who had crossed. Fruit bat falls was worth a look but we didn't get a chance to have a dip since it was getting late in the day. Tried to camp at Canal Creek wich is the entrance to Twin Falls but it was too crowded so we continued on to Sam Creek where we ended up with a great spot.

2 July 2012
Mistake Creek was the first creek and yep, we got stuck again but this time our winch was working so we winched out. We all decided we had done enough 4WD so we turned around and headed to Seisia on the main road.

At the Jardine River we had to pay $100 for a return trip to go across on the barge which took a couple of minutes.

Stayed at Seisha Holiday Park and booked for three nights.

3 July 2012

Thorntonia to Mossman

21 June 2012
We were all packed and ready to go by 10am. Said our goodbyes to Reuben and Chris and off we went with sadness about leaving but excitement for what lay ahead.

Once in Mt Isa we did some shopping for the trip.

We made camp at half way between Cloncurry and Julia Creek at a truck stop. Thought we would never get any sleep due to the traffic, but once we hit the pillow we didn't hear a thing.

22 June 2012
Stopped for lunch at Richmond and visited the dinosaur display.

look! we found a dinosaur
It's pretty unbelievable they can put together a likeness of a creature from so long ago with just a few bones/fossils.

It was fairly late in the evening when we made it north of Charters Towers for a nights stay beside Fletchers Creek. Being a very popular spot we managed to squeeze in beside some lovely people. It wasn't until the morning we discovered the toilets and showers were over the other side of the creek.

23 June 2012
Ran into some troubles with the car in Mareeba. We called RACQ and they confirmed Carl's fear that the alternator wasn't working. Ended up having to stay the night, but that was okay. The rodeo grounds is also a caravan park so the stay was fine and we met another family travelling Australia but they had four kids and a big bus. The kids loved it and played really well together.

24 June 2012
Left for Julie and Greg's in Mossman early, hoping we would arrive without problems. Luckily for us we did. Their property and house is absolutely resort quality and I'm sorry I didn't take some pictures. Greg helped Carl out heaps trying to get the car fixed but a new alternator is needed so until tomorrow nothing can be done.

25 June 2012
Since the car won't be up and running until after lunch 'The Crew', consisting of Justin, Delmay, Scott, Jacinta, Tony, Raelene, Emily and Holly, met us at Julie and Greg's where we all staying the night. The guys got the new alternator and the car was up and running like a dream by the afternoon.

Cape York here we come!

Thorntonia - Week 13

16 - 19 June 2012
Saturday and Sunday was made up of yarding the cattle and branding, not to mention loads of 'bull riding', by the kids that is. Luckily for the workers they didn't have too many to brand.

how many kids can fit on bike at one time?

little helpers

Tuesday was a sad day, my last day of being appreciated, or was that my food? Time to pack up camp and head back to the homestead. We all really enjoyed Quart Pot.

20 June 2012
Chris took 'The Big White Hunter' pig shooting since Carl had been unable to find any on his own whilst armed. He managed to get one which I won't post a picture of since Carl's story may make it bigger than what it really is.

Farewells were made to Lloyd and Wendy due to them heading off early in the morning.

What an experience we had and we hope to have more good times in the bush in another part of Australia in the future.

Thorntonia - Week 12

9 - 15 June 2012
Sunday morning The Yank rolled his swag, there was no fond farewells, maybe my cooking wasn't up to his standard...

June and Clayton joined us on Friday, in time for June's birthday. We celebrated at morning tea with a cake she brought from home.

happy birthday to you

Thorntonia - Week 11

2 June 2012
After picking up food supplies in Mt Isa we headed to the metropolis of Camooweal for the annual two day campdraft and rodeo.

June, Chris and Clayton were there, along with June's mum and Lloyd. The boys were lucky enough to have a ride on Clayton's horse...

cutest cowboys in town
That night Carl took Harry for a dance where he cut all the right moves and got a lot of attention.

3 June 2012

Harry turned bull rider in the afternoon. Carl asked Harry what he thought of it and all Harry could say was 'Can I have another turn?'. He was so happy and even more so when every competitor was presented with a trophy.

my little champ
After the rodeo finished we headed back to Thorntonia.

4 June 2012
Carl went back to work checking bores and doing some mechanical work on one of the work utes. The kids and I had the joy of washing clothes after our great holiday.

5 June 2012
Everyone is preparing for the move to Quart Pot camp where we'll be for the next couple of weeks. I've scored the job of camp cook as well as our regular gig. We're taking the caravan so heaps to pack and get ready for tomorrow.

6 June 2012
I had the responsibility of transporting the camp kitchen to Quart Pot. It is an old dental caravan, gutted and fitted out with a stove, fridge and freezer. Top towing speed 40km/h, otherwise you'd start bunny hopping and getting speed wobbles. This meant the trip took about an hour and half. The good thing was, I was kid free!

Camp cook...great job. I've never had so many compliments about my cooking. And even better, I don't have to cook breakfast.

7 & 8 June 2012
Couple of days mustering.

our noisy and smelly company

heading to the holding paddock - day 1

Thorntonia - Week 10 (Holidays Normanton & Karumba)

26 May 2012
Kate, Mark, Keira, Jack, Harry, Will and I went on a two hour train ride from Normanton to Critters Camp on a train called the Gulflander. We had a running commentary there and back about the area. The thing I found remarkable were the flood indicators - truly unbelievable.

our adorable critters

Carl didn't come with us as he had to start shooting at 12.30 and we didn't know when we would return. (The main reason for going to Normanton was so Carl could compete in the annual 2 day clay target competition).

Everyone at the gun club were friendly, the food & drink was great. Kate and Mark even babysat for one night so we could eat our tea in peace. I also enjoyed my first rum & coke since before the kids were born. Oooooh how I had forgotten how good it tastes.

27 May 2012
Last day of the shoot and Carl has been shooting just off the pace. Has been really great catching up with Kate and relaxing.

Krys - The Savannah King

28 May 2012
We all moved camp to Karumba where we stayed in a caravan park right on the point, which meant a short walk to the beach or the tavern or the corner store.

The weather was not kind to Carl and Mark who tried their hand at fishing for barra. The water temp was 18C and barra need a minimum of 25C.

29 May 2012
We all went down to the beach for a fish in the afternoon. Lots of nibbles but not many caught. And the ones that did get hooked weren't big enough to eat.

Will ended up falling asleep on the beach, guess he's not a fisherman yet!

30 May 2012
Kate & Mark headed for home while we stayed another night.

We went to the barra breading farm for a guided tour and a turn at hand feeding the fish. Well worth the visit.

the closest Carl will come to catching a barra
Don't be surprised if we return to Karumba in the future for an extended stay. We really enjoyed our time here and think it is a top spot.

31 May 2012
Off to Bourketown via the Savannah Way. Eventhough the weather hadn't been favourable we still wanted to see the area.

We crossed three rivers, however the Leichart had to be the most spectacular. Truely amazing.

Leichart River

Some parts of the road were messy as you tell by the car.

We reached Bourketown, pulled into the caravan park and due to the miserable weather we decided to shout ourselves a cabin.

1 June 2012
Drove to Gregory to find it was too wet to go to Lawn Hill so we gave it a miss and headed back to Thorntonia.

We went through 40km of black soil/mud and helped a fellow out as well. Took Carl about two hours to wash all of the mud off the car when we got back to the station.

Thorntonia - Week 9 (Holidays Normanton & Karumba)

19 May 2012
The kids and I gave the guys a hand branding the calves. We helped yard them up and the kids and I had lots of fun.

21 May 2012
We had Clayton with us when we were on tuckerbox duty. This meant Lloyd was in much higher demand giving motorbike rides so he decided just to give all three a ride at once.

Will on the handlebars, Harry, Lloyd and Clayton
25 May 2012
Off on holidays to Normanton and Karumba.

The rain persisted all night but we managed to pack everything the day before and keep it undercover. We were advised to take the bitumen to Normanton which added a couple of extra hours to the trip. It was either that or drive through 40km of black soil/mud.

We left Thorntonia at 8ish and arrived Normanton 4ish. Big day of travelling but surprisingly the kids were well behaved.

Mark, Kate, Keira and Jack were waiting for us, so off we headed to set up camp at the Normanton Clay Target Gun Club.

The club grounds were great and we were able to have a drum fire. Which we needed as it was pretty cold.

About Us

My photo
Carl, Charmaine, Harrison and William. 7/3/12 we started our journey around Australia, not sure how long it will take, just going to see were 'it' takes us.