Thorntonia - Week 9 (Holidays Normanton & Karumba)

19 May 2012
The kids and I gave the guys a hand branding the calves. We helped yard them up and the kids and I had lots of fun.

21 May 2012
We had Clayton with us when we were on tuckerbox duty. This meant Lloyd was in much higher demand giving motorbike rides so he decided just to give all three a ride at once.

Will on the handlebars, Harry, Lloyd and Clayton
25 May 2012
Off on holidays to Normanton and Karumba.

The rain persisted all night but we managed to pack everything the day before and keep it undercover. We were advised to take the bitumen to Normanton which added a couple of extra hours to the trip. It was either that or drive through 40km of black soil/mud.

We left Thorntonia at 8ish and arrived Normanton 4ish. Big day of travelling but surprisingly the kids were well behaved.

Mark, Kate, Keira and Jack were waiting for us, so off we headed to set up camp at the Normanton Clay Target Gun Club.

The club grounds were great and we were able to have a drum fire. Which we needed as it was pretty cold.

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Carl, Charmaine, Harrison and William. 7/3/12 we started our journey around Australia, not sure how long it will take, just going to see were 'it' takes us.