Mossman, Tinaroo & Cairns

10 July 2012 - 13 July 2012
Kev & Maree (better known as Nanny and Poppy) flew up to Mossman to catch up with us and other family members as well. We all stayed at Julie and Greg's for a few days, which the dogs weren't too happy about.

Nanny & Poppy took the kids for a day and visited a zoo and played at a park. Carl and I had the day to go shopping and have a nice quite coffee together, which was lovely.

The night's entertainment was Harry the poppy rider...

13 July 2012 - 15 July 2012
Off to Tinaroo...Nanny, Poppy and us went and stayed with Janet and Michael in a spectacular house on the edge of Tinaroo dam. We enjoyed good food, great drinks (especially the coffees) and even better company.

15 July 2012
Julie and Greg joined us for breakfast, much to our surprise. The kids had a ball getting to know their Great Aunts and Uncles, however we had to pack up and go back to Mossman to pick up our van and head to Cairns.

We arrived at Kate and Mark's house around 4ish in time to say a quick Hello and make our way to Denise & Bruce's where Great Nanny was staying. Harry greeted Great Nanny with a cuddle and "I haven't seen you for long time". We indulged in nibbles and drinks by the pool for a couple of hours. Coral and Janice even came over to say Hi as well.

Back to Kate and Mark's for tea where Scott joined us.

16 July 2012
Carl took the van to get its air conditioning fixed and then he looked after the kids, including Jack, while Kate took me into town. I had a great day seeing the new office of Elders Real Estate, nice to see Scott's name on the door, and eating Sushi, and shopping. We got home in time for Kate to pick up Keira and Carl to pick up the van.

That night we travelled out to Janet and Michael's for tea, roast corned meat and strawberry crumble, very nice. Got to catch up with Simon too. Sadly Nanny and Poppy had to fly out the next day so we had to say goodbye to them also.

Back at Kate and Mark's, Kate had been out and picked up her student dossers from America. Brad and Nick, nice guys.

17 July 2012
Carl took it upon himself to entertain Brad and Nick taking them around town showing them all the important sights, such as, 4WD, gun and fishing shops and letting them experience great Aussie food...steak burgers.  They came back after lunch and we offered for them to stay and have a rest however they were eager to go fishing, so off they went with Carl. Unfortunately they only caught a couple of puffer fish but they were happy with that.

Great Nanna came over for the day and looked after the kids for me while I caught up on some much needed washing.

While Kate took Brad and Nick to a BBQ, Mark, Carl and I took our kids to a pre-opening of the Cairns Show. The kids got to play with the animals in the animal nursery and have their faces painted and balloon animals made for them. We also enjoyed great food, the best pizza I've ever had (big call) and open bar. The show even gave out free Dairy Farmers show bags.

After everyone getting back, Kate and I went with Brad and Nick to the night markets in town and finished the evening off by going to a look out to see the city in lights.

18 July 2012
Again, I spent the day washing and cleaning, Kate went to work after dropping off Brad and Nick and Carl cleaned the van inside and out. By the way it looks unreal!!! In the afternoon Carl, the kids and I went to the Lagoon in town and had a little swim and some ice cream. It's a great place for kids because there is sand and not very deep water in one section. There were heaps of people there and you don't have to pay.

Spent some more time with Denise and Bruce before they went out. We had fish and chips with Great Nanny, Scott, Kate, Mark and the kids.

We had a wonderful time seeing all of our family in Cairns and Mossman and will endeavour to do it again.

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Carl, Charmaine, Harrison and William. 7/3/12 we started our journey around Australia, not sure how long it will take, just going to see were 'it' takes us.