Cape York

26 June 2012
Left for the Cape. We took the Daintree River Ferry over and drove up through the Daintree rainforest. The road was windy and up and down, we handled it easy, however Justin still had adjusting to do driving his new car. We had lunch at the Lion's Den Hotel and camped the night at Hann River Roadhouse.

the old lion has seen better days

Hann river camp

27 June 2012
Big day in the car. Made it all the way to Weipa and we've decided to stay for three nights in the caravan park.

On our way we stopped for lunch at Archer River where the kids had a swim. The water was flowing and crystal clear and cold but only ankle to knee deep.

kids having a great time

Tony got stuck in the sand driving out so Justin and Carl to the rescue with the good old Max Tracks.

Just as we were about to drive off Paula Davis and family pulled up. They were on their way home after two weeks up the cape.

28 June 2012
Nice to be able to wake-up and not have to pack up.

We all went for a drive to have a look around and of course sorce a fishing spot. At one place we pulled up at the beach, Carl thought he saw a crocodile so he starts yelling out to everyone "there's a croc...there's a croc". Turned out that it was just some floating leaves. Pretty funny!

That evening while the boys were off fishing the rest of us went and watched the sun set over the ocean.

Weipa sunset
The boys returned with one Brim, lucky we weren't counting on them for tea.

29 June 2012
Carl, Justin, Tony and Holly went fishing first thing in the morning. Carl and Justin came back for breakfast while Tony and Holly returned later, Holly boasting with the most caught for the morning. Fish and chips for tea!!! Thanks Holly.

30 June 2012
We left Weipa in the morning and made our way to the Southern part of the old Telegraph Track. The first creek crossing was Palm Creek and it looked quite treterous. The entrance had been gouged out and the exit was long and steep.

The second crossing was Ducie Creek which had and easy entrance into the water but two different exits. One being better than the other. We decided to camp here due to the time of day and the creek was nice to swim and bathe in.

1 July 2012
Continued on to North Alice Creek where we got stuck and had to get Tony to help us out. The plough keeps getting us into trouble with the trailer. Tony is not letting Carl live it down.

The other crossings for the day were no worries...Dulhunty River, Bertie Creek and Cholmondeley Creek.

Gunshot Creek had a few different entrances but we chose the easiest. We stopped and had our lunch while watching others do the crossing.

After lunch we headed across the main drag and started the Northern section of the Old Telegraph Track. Cockatoo Creek was fairly deep and the tree in the middle showed signs of others who had crossed. Fruit bat falls was worth a look but we didn't get a chance to have a dip since it was getting late in the day. Tried to camp at Canal Creek wich is the entrance to Twin Falls but it was too crowded so we continued on to Sam Creek where we ended up with a great spot.

2 July 2012
Mistake Creek was the first creek and yep, we got stuck again but this time our winch was working so we winched out. We all decided we had done enough 4WD so we turned around and headed to Seisia on the main road.

At the Jardine River we had to pay $100 for a return trip to go across on the barge which took a couple of minutes.

Stayed at Seisha Holiday Park and booked for three nights.

3 July 2012

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Carl, Charmaine, Harrison and William. 7/3/12 we started our journey around Australia, not sure how long it will take, just going to see were 'it' takes us.