Thorntonia - Week 13

16 - 19 June 2012
Saturday and Sunday was made up of yarding the cattle and branding, not to mention loads of 'bull riding', by the kids that is. Luckily for the workers they didn't have too many to brand.

how many kids can fit on bike at one time?

little helpers

Tuesday was a sad day, my last day of being appreciated, or was that my food? Time to pack up camp and head back to the homestead. We all really enjoyed Quart Pot.

20 June 2012
Chris took 'The Big White Hunter' pig shooting since Carl had been unable to find any on his own whilst armed. He managed to get one which I won't post a picture of since Carl's story may make it bigger than what it really is.

Farewells were made to Lloyd and Wendy due to them heading off early in the morning.

What an experience we had and we hope to have more good times in the bush in another part of Australia in the future.

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Carl, Charmaine, Harrison and William. 7/3/12 we started our journey around Australia, not sure how long it will take, just going to see were 'it' takes us.