Thorntonia - Week 10 (Holidays Normanton & Karumba)

26 May 2012
Kate, Mark, Keira, Jack, Harry, Will and I went on a two hour train ride from Normanton to Critters Camp on a train called the Gulflander. We had a running commentary there and back about the area. The thing I found remarkable were the flood indicators - truly unbelievable.

our adorable critters

Carl didn't come with us as he had to start shooting at 12.30 and we didn't know when we would return. (The main reason for going to Normanton was so Carl could compete in the annual 2 day clay target competition).

Everyone at the gun club were friendly, the food & drink was great. Kate and Mark even babysat for one night so we could eat our tea in peace. I also enjoyed my first rum & coke since before the kids were born. Oooooh how I had forgotten how good it tastes.

27 May 2012
Last day of the shoot and Carl has been shooting just off the pace. Has been really great catching up with Kate and relaxing.

Krys - The Savannah King

28 May 2012
We all moved camp to Karumba where we stayed in a caravan park right on the point, which meant a short walk to the beach or the tavern or the corner store.

The weather was not kind to Carl and Mark who tried their hand at fishing for barra. The water temp was 18C and barra need a minimum of 25C.

29 May 2012
We all went down to the beach for a fish in the afternoon. Lots of nibbles but not many caught. And the ones that did get hooked weren't big enough to eat.

Will ended up falling asleep on the beach, guess he's not a fisherman yet!

30 May 2012
Kate & Mark headed for home while we stayed another night.

We went to the barra breading farm for a guided tour and a turn at hand feeding the fish. Well worth the visit.

the closest Carl will come to catching a barra
Don't be surprised if we return to Karumba in the future for an extended stay. We really enjoyed our time here and think it is a top spot.

31 May 2012
Off to Bourketown via the Savannah Way. Eventhough the weather hadn't been favourable we still wanted to see the area.

We crossed three rivers, however the Leichart had to be the most spectacular. Truely amazing.

Leichart River

Some parts of the road were messy as you tell by the car.

We reached Bourketown, pulled into the caravan park and due to the miserable weather we decided to shout ourselves a cabin.

1 June 2012
Drove to Gregory to find it was too wet to go to Lawn Hill so we gave it a miss and headed back to Thorntonia.

We went through 40km of black soil/mud and helped a fellow out as well. Took Carl about two hours to wash all of the mud off the car when we got back to the station.

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Carl, Charmaine, Harrison and William. 7/3/12 we started our journey around Australia, not sure how long it will take, just going to see were 'it' takes us.